Residential Painting
Hire a house painting company with an established and outstanding track record in the interior and exterior residential painting industry.
Painting Services for Homeowners
Envision understands that your home is your biggest investment. The final product needs to feel comfortable and welcoming while holding up to our weather conditions here on Vancouver Island. Hire a house painting company with an established and outstanding track record in the interior and exterior residential painting industry. Envision Painting strives to give you back your free time and peace of mind with our clear process, written warranty and professional house painters in Victoria, BC.
We deliver an image transformation that lasts years. Choose a company you can trust to guide you through the process and leave you with a quality job. It’s our family values we’re here to uphold. Quality and longevity are words we live by.
Serving Greater Victoria
Complementary colour consultation
Light carpentry (drywall/stucco/rot repair)
3-year warranty
$3M liability insurance
Comprehensive, detailed proposals
Full satisfaction guarantee
Premium products + paint preparation
Dedicated production manager
Open lines of communication
Spotless clean up
Interior Painting
Interior paint can dramatically change the look of any room in your home. It’s a great way to freshen up a space for a relatively low cost, and with our victoria house painters, you’ll not only get the look you’re after, but you’ll also get the durability you can count on.
For your home, a fresh coat of paint allows you to put a personal touch on space and turn your home into a retreat. Work with Envision and our house painters in victoria will help you bring your vision to life with expert advice and quality house paint.
For your apartment or condo, painting the interior can be a challenging process, but all you’ll notice with Envision are incredible results. Let us take the stress out of the equation and help you add some personality to your space.
Picking the right paint
Once you’ve decided to paint the interior of your home, condo or apartment, the next big task is right around the corner. Picking out the right paint can be daunting with the wide selection of finishes, textures and brands now available. There are also some important factors to consider, but rest assured, our victoria house painters are here to help. We take care to go over every detail with you to achieve a stunning result that is both beautiful and functional.
Prepping the space
The proper preparation is the most critical phase of any interior paint job. Our painters for house painting will take care of all minor maintenance, including caulking the joint between walls and baseboards, patching small holes in the drywall, or even sanding imperfections in the walls. Envision house painters in victoria offer a wide range of options above and beyond the necessary prep to cater to our customer’s needs.
Exterior Painting
There are so many questions that come to mind when you are thinking about painting the exterior of your property. How much is this going to cost? What colour should I go with?
Is the finish on my house even paintable? How durable does it need to be? How long is this going to last? What do I need for the weather that it’s going to be exposed to?
Envision residential painters are here to answer all of your questions and put your mind at ease.
Envision is here to answer all of your questions and put your mind at ease.
Things to consider
Envision understands that your home is your biggest investment, and as such, we take every last detail into consideration. The final product needs to reflect your lifestyle and make you feel comfortable and welcomed when you pull up in your driveway while holding up to the conditions we must deal with here on the island.
Taking the pressure off
It is very normal to feel overwhelmed. Painting the exterior of your home requires you to make some big decisions. Ones that you are going to be faced with every day for years to come. It makes perfect sense that you want someone you trust to guide you through the process and leave you with a quality job. That’s what we’re here for.
Delivering the 'wow' factor
Envision house painters carefully consider the architecture of the house and the surroundings that it’s set in, and the homeowner’s personality to deliver the wow factor. You will have the nicest house on the block and one that reflects your style.
Quality and longevity are words we live by
When it comes to quality, Envision has you covered. Proper preparation and quality products are the two main factors in determining a paint job’s longevity. Our victoria house painters take care to complete a pressure wash and a thorough scrape, sand and prime to ensure our premium products are applied to a firm base layer.
Our homes are a place where we can escape from the everyday bustle of life. As such, the interior of these spaces tends to play a significant role in our lives.
This also means interior painting is often subject to the most criticism. Any interior painting must be held to the highest standard. Envision is prepared to deliver.
At Envision Painting, our team of house painters in victoria believes every interior deserves a high-end finish that leaves our customers satisfied. Many can attest that we take great pride in our work, and it shows through in the final product.
We will also caulk any cracks, patch holes, and take care of any other minor maintenance needed to get your home ready for painting. Two full coats to all surfaces guarantee appropriate protection to the wide range of weather your house will be subject to on this island.
Put everything together to provide the most complete and durable job in the Greater Victoria area. We stand by our work with a full 3-year, written warranty.
Our clients love us
Our Promise
When it comes to quality, Envision has you covered. Proper preparation and quality products are the two main factors in determining a paint job’s longevity. Our victoria house painters take care to complete a pressure wash and a thorough scrape, sand and prime to ensure our premium products are applied to a firm base layer.
We caulk any cracks, patch holes and handle any other minor maintenance needed to get your home ready for painting. Two full coats of quality paint guarantee appropriate protection to the wide range of weather conditions. We provide a complete and durable job in the Greater Victoria area.
Service FAQ
Get started today!
Our 4-step process saves you time
3-year written warranty
Better Business Bureau Accredited
Backed by $3M liability insurance
Fill out the form to request a free consultation, or give us a call at +1 250-813-2530